Contrary to traditional approaches, I have decided that billing ‘by the session’ works best for my clients, giving them the freedom to come back for more sessions or stop if they want to at any moment.

I want you to have the flexibility to steer your coaching journey the way you want and get the most value without feeling trapped by a package.

That being said, the line of coaching I’m in goes deep and the time required to see results differs from one client to another. Working on changing a behavior takes 6 sessions on average, while working on leading a more fulfilled and aligned life generally takes longer.

Showing up 100% and committing to the work we do together is what I ask of you to get the most out of the sessions. If you are committed to the work and prefer to save some money in the process, you may consider purchasing a package.

Pricing is as follows:

  • AED 660 or USD 180 for a 90 minute session
  • AED 3,560 or USD 970 for 6×90 minute sessions, redeemable over a period of 3 months
  • AED 6,980 or USD 1,900 for 12×90 minute sessions, redeemable over a period of 6 months

Please use this as a general guide but feel free to reach out at to structure a package that works for you.